Litany to Saint Joseph was enriched with new proclamations


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The Secretariat of the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments sent a letter dated May 1 to the presidents of episcopal conferences around the world regarding the new prayer invocations that were approved by Pope Francis for the Litany to Saint Joseph.

Olga Sakun – Vatican City

Referring to the Apostolic Epistle Patris corde, promulgated in order to “cultivate love for this great saint, encouraging the appeal to his intercession, to imitate his virtues and his zeal,” , seven new proclamations. These proclamations are drawn from the statements of the popes about this or that aspect of the personality of Saint Joseph. We are talking about the following titles of St. Joseph: Custos Redemptoris (“Keeper of the Redeemer”, cf. Apostolic exhortation of Pope John Paul II Redemptoris custos); Serve Christi (“Servant of Christ”, cf. Paul VI’s sermon on March 19, 1966); Minister salutis (“The minister of salvation”, cf. Redemptoris custos 8), Fulcimen in difficultatibus (“Support in difficulties”, cf. Patris corde, prologue), Patrone exsulsum, afflictorum, pauperum (“Defender of the exiled, the suffering and the poor”, cf. . Patris corde 5).

The letter from the Congregation notes that the translation of litanies into local languages ​​and their publication must be ensured by local episcopal conferences, and these translations do not need the approval of the Apostolic See. By careful consideration, episcopal conferences may also include other proclamations through which Saint Joseph is especially revered in their countries. New proclamations should be placed “in appropriate places while preserving the literary genre.”

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