Why do Catholics celebrate 7 days and 30 days after a person’s death?

QUESTION: why did the Catholic Church have a tradition of celebrating 7 days and 30 days after death, in contrast to Orthodoxy, where it is customary to celebrate 9 and 40 days? ANSWER: the sacrament of Baptism, that is, the birth “of water and of the Holy Spirit,” introduces a person to eternal life, the […]


When will the gates be opened in the Vatican, passing through which you can receive “absolution”?

QUESTION: when is the next time the gates in the Vatican will be opened, passing through which you can receive “absolution”? ANSWER: the gates through which one can receive “absolution” are not located in the Vatican – that is, of course, in the Vatican too – but there are actually many more of them, everywhere. […]


Isn’t the Church becoming like the Taliban, excommunicating divorced second wives and homosexuals?

QUESTION: Isn’t the Church becoming like the Taliban, excommunicating divorced second wives and homosexuals? After all, they too can love God with all their hearts, so why are they denied Communion? ANSWER: excommunication and the inability to receive communion are two different things. Communion with the Church does not occur only through Holy Communion, although […]


Can an “extraordinary minister” serve the Eucharist?

QUESTION: if only a priest can serve the Eucharist, why is his authority delegated to “extraordinary ministers”? ANSWER: In the last years of the pontificate of John Paul II, the Congregation’s Redemptoris Sacramentum for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments was published. This document is dedicated to the celebration of the Eucharist […]


Can a priest violate the secret of confession?

Can a priest violate the secret of confession? QUESTION: under what conditions can the secret of confession be violated?


Why is a church marriage irreversible, and a priest or monk can return to the world for the sake of human love?

QUESTION: Priests and nuns wear a wedding ring on their fingers, like people who have entered into a marriage union. Why isn’t their decision to return to the world to marry a human being considered second marriage? And can we say that a person who has returned to the world for the sake of human […]


What do the words from Romans: “God gave them over to uncleanness” mean?

QUESTION: what do the words from the Epistle to the Romans: “God gave them up to uncleanness” – referring to homosexuality? ANSWER: Let us carefully reread the passage from the Epistle to Romans (1, 24-28):


Can a homosexual become a priest?

QUESTION: can a homosexual become a priest? ANSWER: When we talk about homosexuality, it is necessary to distinguish between homosexual inclination and practice. If a person has only this inclination, but does not practice sexual relations with persons of the same sex, does not violate the moral law, then this cannot be called an insurmountable […]


What’s wrong with same-sex couples adopting children?

QUESTION: What’s wrong with same-sex couples adopting children? Can’t a couple of two men or two women give a child the warmth and love it needs? And, in any case, the child will be better than in the orphanage. ANSWER: so that children can develop normally, they need not only warmth and love, but a […]


How should a Catholic treat a nude model?

QUESTION: how to relate, from the point of view of morality, to drawing a nude model in the classroom at an art school? ANSWER: the topic of nudity is rather controversial, since it is not about depicting any object, but about a person. The human body has a very definite meaning, since it expresses the […]