Vatican: vaccines, brotherhood and hope are needed to defeat the pandemic


– (ANSA)

Monsignor Janusz Urbanczyk, Permanent Observer from the Holy See to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, spoke at a meeting of the OSCE organization dedicated to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the prospects for recovery.

Victor Vladimirov – Vatican City

The global emergency, the diplomat noted, is causing a multilateral crisis that “simultaneously and interlinkedly affects the health, economic and social sectors, seriously affecting our models of coexistence at the local, regional and international levels.” This “virus without borders” has actually exacerbated pre-existing food, economic and migration emergencies; it also catalyzed an “atmosphere of isolation and mistrust,” which further fragmented the social fabric and relations between states.

In these difficult times, Monsignor Urbanchik emphasized, there is only one alternative: “recognizing a common vulnerability and seeking common solutions.” Such an approach will help “transform and rethink lifestyles and existing economic and social systems that widen the gap between rich and poor with inequitable distribution of resources.” The Permanent Observer from the Holy See stressed the need for a “stronger ethical framework” based on global solidarity and the protection of Creation. States must “guarantee universal access to health care, and in particular the equitable distribution of vaccines.” However, all this is not enough, the Vatican diplomat warned: “Vaccines can provide protection against the virus, but they will not heal social vices such as inequality and indifference.” To emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, it is necessary “to restructure the relationship between people and the economy towards a more inclusive and humane model that encourages subsidiarity, supports local economic development, and invests in education and infrastructure for the benefit of individual communities.”

When the economy “truly serves holistic human development, it is possible to engage in more effective dialogue aimed at enhancing security and cooperation among states.”

At the end of his speech, Monsignor Urbanchik quoted Pope Francis’ words to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See on February 8: “Brotherhood and hope are like medicines that today’s world needs, along with vaccines.”

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